Adrianne Curvy Top Model

Adrianne Curry was born on the 6th  of August 1982. She is 34 years old and raised up in Joliet, Illinois, United States. Adrianne Curry height is 179cm. Do you know that Adrianne Marie Curry is an American model, reality television personality, spokeswoman and

former waitress. Her spouse names are Christopher Knight (m. 2006–2012). She did TV Shows as well like My Fair Brady 2005 – 2008, The Surreal Life (2003 – 2006), Ballbreakers 2005 – 2006, Celebrity Paranormal Project 2006 – 2007. Adrianne Curry´s Education is  Joliet West High School. People who searched for Adrianne Curry also searched for Christopher Knight (Former spouse), Whitney Thompson,  Allison Harvard and Yoanna House. She Played in 4 film´s: Jack Rio, Fallen Angels, Light Years Away and Comic-Con: Episode IV – A Fans Hope.

Adrianne Curry on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube

Videos of Adrianne Curry: Shootings, Making Ofs and Campaigns

Adrianne Curry´s Fair Brady

Adrianna Curry And Christopher talk about

Adrianne Curry By America´s First Next Top Model