Buyout – Usage of photos and videos
Buyout is defined as an additional fee, which exceeds the agreed period or the place of publication when using the pictures provided by the model. The amount of the buy-out fee is determined by the order of the model. It makes a huge difference where the pictures will be published. So you will get a higher buyout, the greater the range of the media is. The second factor which influences the amount of the Buyout fee is the time. If for example a commercial is shown for another year, you’ll get a buyout. If the commercial is synced and released for other countries, the buyout also rises. That means, it guarantees you as a model, that you will profit from spreading. A model agency monitors these image rights, which is one of their main tasks. This monitoring takes a long time and has to be done conscientiously. A model should therefore cooperate with a model agency. Without the collaboration with model management experts, there is a very high risk that the model is not paid out. The Exclusive Buyout is a special buyout form. There is an exclusive buyout license that regulates the flow of exclusive sales. The customer purchases an extended range of rights through an exclusive buyout. It is also permissible for the images to be used for commercial purposes if they are related to the main offer or product. It serves as an orientation for all parties involved.