Storm Models: Agency, Application & Review

History of Storm Models Management

Storm Models, established in 1987 by Sarah Doukas and Simon Chambers, gained global recognition after discovering Kate Moss at JFK Airport in 1988. The agency's roster included iconic models like Cindy Crawford, Cara Delevingne, and Jourdan Dunn. Known for discovering talent and promoting diversity, Storm Models remains a pivotal force in fashion, shaping beauty standards and collaborating with renowned designers and brands. Its legacy lies in its visionary approach to talent scouting, making a lasting impact on the modeling industry. Read our guide with all tips, you need, to get into the industry: Become a model.

Links: Instagram, TikTok & Website

Contact: Address, Phone

Storm Models London

  • 5 Jubilee Pl, London SW3 3TD, United Kingdom
  • +44 20 7368 9900

Review: Storm Models Management

Many say that Storm Models is a trendsetter, consistently ahead in recognizing emerging trends and placing their models in cutting-edge campaigns and fashion shows.

4.8 of 5.0 stars
by 4 bookers / scouts

Verified by model bookers and model scouts.

Videos: More bout Storm

Jourdan Dunn London Fashion Week

Showpack Video