Ashley Graham: The world famous curvy model

Ashley Graham is a 1,77 m heigh Plus Size Model who was born in Licoln, Nebraska on the 30th of October 1987. She is one of the most popular Plus Size Models worldwide and was the very first Plussize-Model on the Cover of the famous “Sports Illustrated” Magazine. In addition, she appeared on the cover of Vogue, Haper’s Bazar, Glamour and Elle. Her model career began in 2001 when she signed a deal with Wilhelmina Models, after she went to a model convention. After 2 years she also signed a deal with Ford Models. She was and is face of many campaignes like Levis or Target. She works together with models like Gigi Hadid or Kendall Jenner. Ashley is a leader for the body positive movement and in January 2016, she was named to Forbes Magazine’s coveted “30 Under 30” list and additionaly was featured on the cover of the magazine’s January issue. The Glamour Magazine named her “Woman of the Year,” and the same year, in December 2016 the People Magazine named Ashley one of the “25 Most Intriguing People of the Year,” and only one year later the TIME’s named her to “Most Influence People in the World” list. In 2010 she married her husband Justin Ervin who is a videoproducer.

Ashley Graham on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube

Videos of Ashley Graham: Shootings, Making Ofs and Campaigns

Ashley Graham

Ashley Graham


Ashley Graham
