Change Of The “Perfect Body”: Body Types & Fashion Industry
The Change of the perfect Body - Over the past years, the body ideals have changed a lot. Models like Kim Kardashian West and Paloma Elsesser becoming famous with their curvy bodys. Many designers have become more open to the changing body ideals, but we still have a long way to go.
Change About Fashion’s Relationship to the Body
Even as designers embrace a more diverse runway, for models of every shape and size, body acceptance is a long and winding road. Kim Kardashian West and a lot of other women are speaking about their relationship to their bodys.
Ideal Body Types In the History
A diverse cast of models shows how the standard of beauty for women has changed dramatically over time.
Fashion Indsutry: Necessary changes
Fashion needs to change, and some of the industry's biggest leaders are speaking about it.